- gage::bodsCommon gene set data collections
- gage::carta.gsCommon gene set data collections
- gage::egSymbMapping between Entrez Gene IDs and official symbols
- gage::go.gsCommon gene set data collections
- gage::gse16873GSE16873: a breast cancer microarray dataset
- gage::kegg.gsCommon gene set data collections
- gage::kegg.gs.diseCommon gene set data collections
- gage::khierCommon gene set data collections
- gage::korgCommon gene set data collections
- pathview::KEGGEdgeSubtypeInternal functions
- pathview::bodsMapping data on KEGG species code and corresponding Bioconductor gene annotation package
- pathview::cpd.accsMapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
- pathview::cpd.namesMapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
- pathview::cpd.simtypesMapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
- pathview::demo.pathsData for demo purpose
- pathview::gene.idtype.bodsMapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
- pathview::gene.idtype.listMapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
- pathview::gse16873.dData for demo purpose
- pathview::kegg.metMapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
- pathview::ko.idsMapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
- pathview::korgMapping data on KEGG species code and corresponding Bioconductor gene annotation package
- pathview::paths.hsaData for demo purpose
- pathview::rn.listMapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
- SBGNview::SBGNhub.id.mapping.tablesMapping tables available in SBGNhub
- SBGNview::mapped.idsIDs mappable by SBGNview
- SBGNview::pathways.infoInformation of collected pathways
- SBGNview::pathways.statsNumber of pathways collected